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What is OEM Battery Vs ODM Battery?

What is OEM Battery Vs ODM Battery?



What is OEM Battery?

OEM battery play a crucial role in powering our devices and shaping industry dynamics. Understanding their intricacies is essential for anyone involved in battery manufacturing, product development, or simply curious about the technology behind our everyday devices.


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What is OEM Battery

OEM stands for “Original Equipment Manufacturer.” In the context of battery, it signifies a manufacturing model where one company (the OEM manufacturer) produces battery based on design specifications provided by another company (the design entity).


OEM Battery Cooperation Process

The OEM battery manufacturing process involves seamless collaboration between the design entity and the OEM manufacturer:

  1. Design Blueprint: The design entity, often a renowned brand or tech company, meticulously lays out the battery blueprint, including dimensions, capacity, safety features, and performance parameters.
  2. Manufacturing Expertise: The OEM manufacturer leverages its expertise and manufacturing infrastructure to turn the design blueprint into reality. This encompasses material procurement, setting up production lines, implementing quality control measures, and ensuring compliance with the design entity’s specifications.
  3. Quality Assurance: Rigorous quality checks are conducted throughout the manufacturing process to ensure that the battery meet the design entity’s standards and industry regulations.


Advantages Driving Innovation

The OEM battery model offers several compelling advantages:

  1. Cost Optimization: OEM manufacturers often benefit from economies of scale, enabling them to produce battery at lower costs, translating into more affordable electronic products for consumers.
  2. Faster Time to Market: With mature production lines and specialized expertise, OEM manufacturers can swiftly adapt to design changes and bring new products to market faster.
  3. Enhanced Focus on Core Competencies: Design entities can focus on their strengths, such as innovation and design, while OEM manufacturers handle the complexities of manufacturing.


Overcoming Limitations

While OEM battery boast significant advantages, it’s essential to acknowledge potential limitations:

  1. Quality Control Challenges: Design entities may have less direct control over the manufacturing process, and lax standards by OEM manufacturers could impact quality.
  2. Limited Customization Capability: OEM battery are primarily based on the design entity’s specifications, which may restrict customization options.
  3. Brand Reputation at Stake: If OEM manufacturers encounter quality issues or reputational damage, it could negatively impact the design entity’s brand image.


Shaping Diverse Industry Applications

OEM battery are ubiquitous across various industries:

  1. Consumer Electronics: Smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other consumer electronics extensively utilize OEM battery due to their cost-effectiveness and rapid production capabilities.
  2. Automotive: Electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid cars increasingly rely on OEM battery to power their electric motors, demanding high-performance and safety standards.
  3. Industrial Applications: OEM battery find applications in industrial equipment, power tools, and backup systems, where reliability and durability are paramount.
  4. Medical Devices: OEM battery power a variety of medical devices, including pacemakers, hearing aids, and portable diagnostic equipment, where safety and reliability are critical.
  5. Energy Storage Systems: OEM battery are increasingly used in energy storage systems for solar and wind applications, contributing to the transition towards renewable energy.


OEM battery demonstrate the powerful force of collaboration and innovation in the electronics industry. Their ability to balance cost-effectiveness, quality, and time to market makes them an indispensable component in powering our devices and shaping the technological landscape. Looking ahead, the OEM battery model will continue to evolve, embracing technological advancements and adapting to evolving industry demands.


What is ODM Battery?

OEM battery and ODM battery are two common battery manufacturing models, each with close ties and subtle differences. To help you gain a deeper understanding of ODM battery, I’ll provide you with detailed definitions, case studies, and a comparison of advantages and disadvantages.


Definition of ODM battery: Integrated Design and Manufacturing

ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) stands for “Original Design Manufacturer.” In the battery manufacturing model, ODM battery are those designed and manufactured by ODM manufacturers, who then provide the finished products to brand merchants for sale.

Compared to the OEM battery model, the key difference in the ODM battery model lies in ODM manufacturers taking on the responsibility of battery design. They not only customize battery according to the brand merchants’ requirements but also propose innovative design solutions to make the products more competitive.


Case Studies of ODM battery: Insight into Industry Applications

To better understand the ODM battery model, let’s examine a few typical case studies:

  • Mobile Phone battery: Many well-known mobile phone brands choose to collaborate with ODM battery manufacturers. For example, Xiaomi partners with ATL, and OPPO collaborates with BYD. ODM battery manufacturers provide customized battery designs to meet the performance, size, and safety requirements of mobile phones.
  • Electric Vehicle battery: With the rapid development of the electric vehicle industry, ODM battery manufacturers are actively involved. For example, CATL partners with Tesla to provide customized power battery solutions.
  • Wearable Device battery: Wearable devices have strict requirements for battery size, weight, and endurance. ODM battery manufacturers can provide small, lightweight, high-performance battery solutions for wearable devices.


Advantages of ODM battery: One-stop Solutions

The ODM battery model offers significant advantages to brand merchants:

  1. Reduced R&D Costs: Brand merchants do not need to invest heavily in battery design and R&D, allowing them to focus on core design elements such as appearance and functionality.
  2. Shorter Time to Market: ODM battery manufacturers have mature design and manufacturing capabilities, enabling them to respond quickly to brand merchants’ requirements and shorten time to market.
  3. Access to Innovative Designs: ODM battery manufacturers can provide innovative battery design solutions, helping brand merchants enhance product competitiveness.
  4. Reduced Production Risks: ODM battery manufacturers are responsible for battery production, reducing production risks for brand merchants.


Disadvantages of ODM battery: Limited Profit Margins

However, the ODM battery model also has certain limitations:

  1. Limited Profit Margins: Since brand merchants delegate battery design and manufacturing responsibilities to ODM manufacturers, profit margins may be relatively low.
  2. Limited Brand Control: Brand merchants have relatively weak control over battery design and manufacturing, making it challenging to customize according to their preferences.
  3. Dependence on Core Technology: Brand merchants rely on ODM manufacturers’ technical capabilities. If ODM manufacturers lack core technology, it may affect battery quality and performance.


The ODM battery model provides brand merchants with efficient and convenient battery solutions, but it also has certain limitations. When choosing the ODM battery model, brand merchants should consider their own strengths, requirements, and risk tolerance, and select ODM manufacturers with strong capabilities and advanced technology to collaborate and create successful products together.


Comparison between OEM battery Vs ODM battery

Dimension OEM Battery ODM Battery
Responsibility Manufacturing – Produces battery based on design specifications provided by the design owner. Design and Manufacturing – Designs and manufactures battery according to the brand owner’s requirements.
Control Design Owner – Controls the battery design and specifications. Brand Owner – Provides design requirements and specifications, but the ODM manufacturer has more control over the design process.
Customization Limited – Customization options are determined by the design owner’s specifications, potentially limiting flexibility. Extensive – ODM manufacturers offer more flexibility in customizing battery to meet the brand owner’s specific requirements and preferences.
Risk Sharing Shared – Both the design owner and the OEM manufacturer share responsibility for quality control and performance. Shifted to ODM Manufacturer – The ODM manufacturer assumes greater responsibility for design, production, and quality control, reducing risks for the brand owner.
Brand Image Directly Impacted – Quality issues or failures in OEM battery can directly affect the reputation of the design owner’s brand. Indirectly Impacted – While the brand owner’s reputation may be influenced by battery performance, the ODM manufacturer bears direct responsibility for manufacturing quality.


  • OEM battery: These are manufactured by OEM based on design specifications provided by the design owner. The design owner maintains control over the design but shares responsibility for quality and performance with the OEM manufacturer. Customization options may be limited, and the brand owner’s reputation is directly impacted by battery performance.
  • ODM battery: In this model, ODM manufacturers handle both design and manufacturing, providing brand owners with one-stop solutions. Brand owners delegate design responsibilities, allowing for extensive customization and risk reduction. However, they may have less control over the design process and less direct influence on manufacturing quality.

Understanding these differences is crucial for companies seeking battery solutions, as it helps them determine the most suitable manufacturing model based on their specific requirements, risk tolerance, and strategic goals. Whether opting for OEM or ODM battery, collaboration, communication, and trust between all involved parties are essential for successful product development and market competitiveness.


Custom battery: What Can Be Customized?

Custom battery provide product developers and manufacturers with significant flexibility, enabling them to create ideal battery solutions based on specific requirements. As a professional, I will elaborate on the wide range of customization options that custom battery can provide, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Customization of Battery Specifications: Meeting Diverse Needs

  1. Size and Shape: Custom battery can be flexibly tailored to the dimensions and shapes required by devices, whether standard rectangular or custom irregular shapes, ensuring a perfect fit for your needs.
  2. Capacity and Voltage: Custom battery can be customized in terms of capacity and voltage based on the power consumption and runtime requirements of devices, ranging from milliampere-hours to kilowatt-hours, and from low voltage to high voltage, providing tailored power solutions.
  3. Chemical Systems: While lithium-ion battery are the most commonly used rechargeable battery, custom battery offer a variety of chemical system options, such as lithium polymer, lithium iron phosphate, lithium manganese oxide, sodium-ion, solid-state battery, meeting diverse requirements for performance, safety, and cost in different application scenarios.
  4. Connectors and Terminals: Custom battery can be equipped with connectors and terminals of various types, such as JST, Molex, AMP, etc., tailored to your device interface requirements, ensuring seamless connection and reliable electrical performance.


Performance Customization: Pursuing Outstanding Performance

  1. Discharge Current: Custom battery can be tailored to meet the instantaneous power requirements of devices, fulfilling the burst power requirements of high-power applications.
  2. Charging Rate: Custom battery can be customized according to your charging time constraints, enabling different charging modes such as fast charging or standard charging.
  3. Temperature Range: Custom battery can be tailored to the operating temperature range of your usage environment, with wide-temperature battery capable of operating in extreme temperatures, meeting the requirements of special applications.
  4. Safety Features: Custom battery can be customized with safety features such as overcharge protection, over-discharge protection, short circuit protection, high-temperature protection, etc., ensuring the safety and reliability of battery.


Additional Function Customization: Enhancing User Experience

  1. Battery Management System (BMS): Custom battery can integrate BMS to achieve real-time monitoring and management of battery status, such as battery capacity, voltage, temperature, etc., providing protection functions, extending battery life, and enhancing safety.
  2. Communication Function: Custom battery can integrate communication functions such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, APP, etc., enabling battery to communicate in real-time with devices or other systems, providing a smarter battery management experience.
  3. Exterior Design: Custom battery can be customized in appearance according to your brand image and product design, such as battery color, logo printing, etc., showcasing your brand personality.


Professional Advice: Embarking on a Successful Customization Journey

  1. Clarify Requirements: Before starting customization, clarify your battery requirements, including size, shape, capacity, voltage, chemical system, performance parameters, additional functions, etc., for effective communication with OEM manufacturers.
  2. Choose Reliable Partners: Selecting OEM manufacturers with rich experience and good reputation is crucial, as they can provide professional technical support and high-quality custom battery products.
  3. Effective Communication: Engage in thorough communication with custom battery manufacturers, ensuring mutual agreement on requirements and specifications, and tracking customization progress regularly to address issues promptly.
  4. Testing and Validation: After battery delivery, conduct comprehensive testing and validation to ensure compliance with your performance and safety requirements.


Custom battery offer endless possibilities for product development, enabling you to create innovative products that meet market demands and lead industry trends. By thoroughly understanding customization options and collaborating with professional custom battery manufacturers, you can achieve excellent battery solutions.


Where to Find the Best OEM Battery Manufacturers in China

Kamada Power stands out as one of the premier global battery suppliers catering to OEM and ODM Battery clients whose devices are powered by batteries.

We offer top-notch products known for their high quality, backed by reliable technical support and customer service committed to excellence.

If you have any battery projects requiring ODM or OEM support, feel free to reach out to the Kamada Power team for expert technical assistance.


Post time: May-30-2024